Sunday, October 30, 2011


I woke up today scared that I was dreaming that I arrived in India and I didn't had the manual for teacher ready. With the first beams of light that my eyes recieved I realised that I was at home in my bed. I've whispered, you still have eight more days, it's allright. Eight more days and lot's of things waiting on the to-do list. I find myself panicked but at the same time so entusiath, a mixture of feelings that brings a smile on the face. Are so many things that I would like to tell you about, about the fact that we found a school for the project, about Zsofi, Prabhanjana, Googie and Vinay, all this small things that make me happy, but I will not do it right now, I will leave it for the rest of this blog/dairy. Don't worry I will write to you, to share with you all the good and bad moments, the progress, the smiles that I will see, everything. I've managed to rise 1220EUR from the 2000 that we need for the project, but I know it's allright, more people will join, more people that think just like me that ONLY TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A CHANGE.

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